VOC Fugitive Emissions Testing

Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOC's, are a large contributor to the 'Greenhouse Effect' that scientists have predicted is already occurring to our World. In light of industry trying to reduce wastage and conserving energy, It is up to each of us to halt this 'Global Warming'.

What are VOC Emssions?

VOC's are organic compounds where the vapour pressure at ambient conditions exceeds 0.13kPa. These include gases such as ethylene, hexane, and methanes but can be any carbon chain molecule.

What is VOC Fugitive Emissions Testing?

It is determining by empirical methods, the amount of VOC's that are emitted into the atmosphere.

There are essentially two sources of VOC Emissions

Our expertise in VOC Emissions relates to the second type of emission - Fugitive Emissions.

What are Fugitive Emissions?

These occur due to leaks occurring through equipment such as valves, flanges, pump and compressor seals and vents. The age of a plant does not necessarily mean less leaks or lower emissions.

Why should I test for VOC Emissions?

If you qualify under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 which sets out activities that require an EPA Licence, you are required to provide the EPA with any figures relating to any emissions produced from your industry. This should also include details on the amount of fugitive emissions.

Consteam's VOC Fugitive Emissions Services