Air Compressor Performance Evaluation

Consteam now provides a unique service new in Australia to help you:

· Accurately determine the volume of leaks in your system.
· Determine exact power consumption per volume of compressed air produced.
· Check accuracy of existing in line flow meters and measure actual consumption.
· Diagnose the accuracy of control settings.
· Enhance predictive maintenance by trending compressor performance.
· Assess performance of intercoolers and aftercoolers.

Why Test Your Air Compressor?

Without a doubt, compressed air is the most expensive utility used at most facilities. It is almost twice the cost of hydraulic power and 8 to10 times the cost of direct electrical power. Your compressor is the reason compressed air costs so much to produce. Whilst air costs nothing, the power used to compress it certainly doesn't. The performance of your compressor changes with age and by assessing the change in performance of your compressor you can ensure that it is operating at peak efficiency.


How Many Leaks Does Your Compressed Air System Contain?

Most compressed air systems are wasting at least 30% through leaks, but how can you know for sure? There is no way of quantifying individual leaks assuming you even find them all. Consteam can accurately determine the percentage loss from leaks through a simple on-site testing procedure run in conjunction with assessing compressor performance.

Invite us on-site to test your compressors

What's Involved?

Testing the performance of your compressors and your compressed air system will usually take half a day per compressor depending on the pipework configuration of your compressor and the availability of your compressors and network. Consteam provides all the equipment necessary and can work unsupervised after being briefed on compressor operation by your personnel.

We'll give you the data you need to get 100% out of your system.



New Equipment!

The free air delivery meter used by Consteam is the only equipment available to assess the performance of your compressor on-site with an accuracy of +/- 2% on any measurement across the full range of the instrument

Consteam can measure the free air delivery of any type of compressor be it rotary screw, reciprocating or centrifugal.

What will it cost?

The cost will depend on the number, size and types of compressors you use. The cost will also be dependent on the level of service you require.